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Magic Uzbekistan 6d.5n


Itinerary: Tashkent – Bukhara – Samarkand – Tashkent

Duration:  6 days and 5 nights

(Arrival from the country of provenience to Tashkent)

Flight to Tashkent. Arrival at the International airport of Tashkent.
At the airport you’ll be met by the English speaking guide who will follow you during your entire trip. Accommodation at the hotel.  The history of Tashkent counts almost 2000 years and during this period the city passed a long way from a small settlement to the metropolitan center. Nowadays, Tashkent is one of the most important industrial, financial and cultural centers not only in Uzbekistan but also all over the Central Asia. Dinner at a local restaurant. Overnight at the hotel.

After breakfast we’ll start with the visiting of the Complex of Khast Imam – the holy heart of Tashkent consisting of Barak Khan Madrassa (XVI c.) which was founded by a descendant of Tamerlane Khan (king) Barak, Tillya Sheykh Mosque – built in the same time as Barak Khan Madrassa, today used as a Friday Mosque and Kaffal Shashi Mausoleum (XI c.) – with the tomb of a local healer, philosopher and poet of Islam who lived from 904 to 979. The museum with the most ancient Koran in the world (VII c.). Then the market Chorsu Bazaar. Lunch at a local restaurant.

In the afternoon the visit of the museum of Applied Arts of Uzbekistan. It contains a large collection of craftwork from all over Uzbekistan. The Independence square, the Tamerlane square and the visit of some undeground station of the unique metro of the Central Asia.

In the evening departure to Bukhara with the domestic flight. After the arrival at Bukhara transfer to the hotel and accommodation. Dinner at a local restaurant.  Overnight at the hotel.

Breakfast is at the hotel. We’ll start our visit of Bukhara with the Samanids Mausoleum (IX-X c.) – one of the first funeral Islamic monuments; the Chashmai Ayub mausoleum; the Bolo Khauz mosque the Ark citadel – the ancient residence of the kings of Bukhara (khan, emir) with the Reghistan square; the complex of Poi Kalon with its majestic minaret (XII c.), the Kalon Mosque (XVI c.) and the Miri Arab Madrassa (XVI c.). Lunch at a local restaurant.  

The continuation of our program by visiting the Trading domes (XVI c.) – toki Zargharon, toki Telpak Furrushon and toki Sarrafon; the Ulughbek Madrassa (XV c.) – the Koranic school of the favorite Tamerlane’s grandson; the Abdulazaz khan Madrassa (XVII c.). The Magokki attori Mosque (XII-XVI c.) – the most ancient mosque of Bukhara, related to the preislamic period, the Liabi Khavuz Complex (XVII c.), we’ll also visit the laboratory of marionettes made of papier-mache. Dinner in one of the local houses where it’s possible to assist in the preparation of the national Uzbek meal plov. Overnight at the hotel.

After early breakfast drive to Samarkand. During the trip we’ll stop at Gijduvan town (45 km). The visit of the house museum of Abdulla Nazrullaev the family of ceramists in the 6th generation. Master will demonstrate us the process of fabrication of the ceramics, in his private museum he’ll tell about the various ceramics schools of the Central Asia and their characteristics. You can also visit their shop where there are a lot of craftwork made by the members of the family (ceramics, embroidery, etc.). Lunch in the house of ceramist. Then we’ll continue our journey, the next stop is Rabati-Malik – the remains of a caravanserai of XI c. and the Sardoba (XIV c.) a water reservoir along the Great Silk Road that is situated in front of the caravanserai. Arrival to Samarkand city and accommodation at the hotel. Visit of the Guri-Emir Mausoleum (where the tumb of Tamerlane is located (XIV–XVc.) buit for the favourite grandson of Tamerlane Mukhammad Sultan. Later the tombs of other members of the Timurids’ family were added to the a burial site like Miranshakh and Shakhrukh, and the grandson astronomer of Tamerlane, Ulugbek. Visit to the Registan Square – “sandy place”, the main square of Samarkand with three madrassas Ulugbek, Sher-Dor – the door of lions (XVII c.) and Tilla-Kori – decorated with gold. Dinner at a local restaurant. Overnight at the hotel.

After breakfast the continuation of the visit of Samarkand: the Cathedral mosque of Bibi-Khanum, built by the wife of Tamerlane (XIV c.),  the Siab bazar (oriental market). Lunch at a local restaurant. Visit of the necropolis of Shakhi Zinda – «alive king», one of the most beautiful complexes of the East. Lunch at a local restaurant. Visit of the observatory of Ulugh Beg – important astronomer, scientist, governor and the favourite grandson of Tamerlane.  The  archeologic mueseum of the antique ruins of Afrasiab (antient Samarkand).

 In the afternoon drive to Tashkent. After the arrival accommodation at the hotel. Dinner at a local restaurant. Overnight at the hotel.

After breakfast transfer to the International airport of Tashkent for the flight of return.

